Obamaloney and Your Health (photos)

9 08 2012

I was reading about the new candidate tags bullied about by the opposition and the “Reverse Romney Hood” christened by Barack Obama makes its political point, but just comes off sounding lame.  Now if you want to sink you teeth into something with big health consequences then “Obamaloney” or Obama Loney is your ticket. Someone (see above) said it is 100% bull, but that can be interpreted as crap or pure protein. Those who have drank liberally of the Kool Aid would go with the Atkins ingredient list.

If this butcher can find a sign “from above” in his inventory, then surely if we slice up Obamaloney, we might find therein some interesting descriptors without nuance or misinterpretation.

This lunch meat loaf looks too pure and wholesome to do the trick. Its missing the requisite gristle, congealed fat and other disgustables that have been offered by our President, Senate Majority Leader and House Minority Leader as of late.

This gentleman is what we get at our front door if we choose to disagree with Obama, support Mitt Romney or exercise our opposition to what he is cramming down our collective throats.

This would be better with a heaping ladle of Obamagravy and some of that grape Kool Aid.

The old protein standby: SPAM, never seemed so good nor as nutritious!